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  Title Copies
Primacy or World Order: American Foreign Policy Since the Cold War 
Year: 1980 
ISBN: 0070292078 
ISBN 13: 9780070292079 
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom: Creating Physical and Emotional Health and Healing 
Edition: 2nd Revised 
Year: 1998 
ISBN: 0553379534 
ISBN 13: 9780553379532 
John Hedgecoe's practical portrait photography 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 1987 
ISBN: 067164713X 
ISBN 13: 9780671647131 
Shocking Secrets of American History: 115 Surprising and Amusing Tales 
Edition: 1st Edition 
Year: 2016 
ISBN: 1567318975 
ISBN 13: 9781567318975 
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (At Issue Series) 
Edition: 1 
Year: 2005 
ISBN: 0737722584 
ISBN 13: 9780737722581 
Edition: English Language 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 0517371510 
ISBN 13: 9780517371510 
It's Nobody's Fault:: New Hope and Help for Difficult Children and Their Parents 
Edition: 1 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 0812924738 
ISBN 13: 9780812924732 
The Joy of Photographing People 
Year: 1983 
ISBN: 0201116952 
ISBN 13: 9780201116953 
Hidden Terrors: The Truth About U.S. Police Operations in Latin America 
Year: 1979 
ISBN: 0394738020 
ISBN 13: 9780394738024 
Careers in Focus Engineering (Ferguson's Careers in Focus) 
Year: 1998 
ISBN: 0894342827 
ISBN 13: 9780894342820